Just check out the options and if your bank is not there, you will need to opt for a different payment method. Trustly has a very wide range of supported banking institutions, but there is no guarantee that yours will work with it. Note: Unfortunately, some banks might not be available. Then, you are presented with a choice of banks available for your country. When making a deposit, you first specify the amount you want to add to your player account. Paying with Trustly in online casinos that support this payment method is very easy. This is definitely at least one of the reasons behind Trustly’s popularity. Traditionally issued bank transfers usually take several days to process, while payments made using Trustly are instant in most cases. The idea behind Trustly is to make online bank payments instant, or at least as quick as they can be. Trustly is authorized and supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, offering its services to customers in tens of European countries, covering the majority of the continent. It currently has offices in multiple European countries, with the main one in Malta. Trustly was first started under its previous name InstantBank in 2008, in Stockholm, Sweden.